Bored of Bloat Oil?
When it comes to pasture bloat, bloat oils have historically been seen as the most cost-effective option available and have been added to stock water as a matter of course.
However, bloat oils are simply used to treat bloat with no added benefits. Rumenox® is now widely used in its place, not only because it effectively prevents bloat, but at the same time helps a cow’s rumen function better. Cows are more likely to stay in optimal condition which not only supports in-calf rates but also protects against ketosis.
Manage the production of rumen gases.
Rumenox® actively manages the production of rumen gases, enabling herds to be protected for longer than short acting bloat oils, this becomes especially important on those wet days when cows aren’t drinking regularly.
Unlike bloat oils Rumenox® has a single dose rate regardless of the bloat challenge. This eliminates the need for estimating the level of bloat challenge and adjusting rates accordingly.
The most cost-effective option.
Monensin. The active ingredient in Rumenox.
Rumenox® is the market leading form of monensin in New Zealand. It is available in two forms
Is ketosis robbing your herd?
This silent disease could be affecting your in-calf rates by 7%. Find out what can help.
Bored of bloat oils?
Traditional treatments might be on the way out, but is Rumenox® the answer?