Read about extracting more energy per kg of feed with Rumenox® then answer a question.

Rumenox® is an essential addition to your feed. Whether it’s a high-end blend or a low-cost mix, adding Rumenox® to your feed shifts the bug population in the rumen, aiding the cow’s digestion, extracting more energy per kg of feed.

This extra energy contributes to increased milk protein production. You can expect a proven 7 to 1 return on investment when adding Rumenox® from increased milk protein alone. This is based on an $8 payout at a cost of around 4 cents per head/day.

Rumenox® is widely used in New Zealand, there is a wealth of research both locally and internationally supporting its benefits. Traditionally Rumenox® has been included in feed from calving to the end of mating. However, farmers are now adding it through the entire lactation to make the most of its significant benefits.

Rumenox® can simply be added to your clients feed. It will be one of the best decisions they can make to their herd health and their back pocket.

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Dairy NZ, Is elevated blood BHB a suitable indicator of poor performance in grazing cows?
Accessed 3 May 2022, available at
LIC & Dairy NZ, New Zealand Dairy Statistics 2019-2020, accessed 3 May 2022, available at
Frampton, LIC. In Calf Mating Strategies, accessed 3 May, 2022, available at